- The Popular History of NANCHAO, published about the year A.D. 1550 by one YANG SHEN, according to this work the traditional origin of the NANCHAO group of states is connected with the kings of MAGADHA, and there seems to be nothing unreasonable in the supposition that military or priestly adventurers from that country first civilised and collected under a political administration the scattered tribes of Yunnan, for we are told as late as A.D. 800 that MAGADHA upon the bordered NANCHAO Empire to the west.
- In the papers upon EARLY LAOS and the ANCIENT THAI EMPIRE, by E.H. PARKER esq., published in the China Review, as well as in little book upon BURMA (published in Rangoon), shown that it is a fact beyon all doubts that Hindo adventurers gave the earliest known organized dynasties to all the states of the Indo-Chinese peninsula and the Javo-Borneo-Sumatra archipelago alike. Just in the same manner adventurers from China made their way to Korea, Canton, Soochow, Hangchow, parts of Central Asia, etc., and founded kingdom or principalities afterwards to be absorbed in the Chinese empire.
- SI NU LO, alias TUH LO, son of SHE LUNG, alias LUNG KA-TUH (a peculiarity in NANCHAO personal names is that usually the son taken a syllable of his father's name), was thus the founder of the NANCHAO empire.
- The great Nanchao Kingdom at Tali-fu overthrow in 1234 A.D. This Kingdom had existed for a little over 600 years: and it was not overthrown by the Chinese but by the Mongols under Kublai Khan. That cataclysm marks the end of autonomous Ai-Lao rule in Chinese territory.
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